Hello, friend, I would like to introduce myself! I am a central Texas wife, mom, and nurse practitioner who loves Jesus, family, coffee, and walks with my friends or dogs. I know what it’s like to lead a full life and be challenged to balance all the priorities. I’m a girl who values her veggies and fruits and occasionally enjoys red wine, chips and queso, and brownies. Fitness is a passion and regular discipline, but sometimes other priorities arise. I want to help busy women create healthy life patterns so they can experience wellness every day. 

In pursuit of my God-given purpose I have taught at my local church and at women’s events for years and am the author of The Well Woman: A Journey to Wellness Through Loving Jesus, No Excuses: A Bible Study on the Book of James, and Dear Disciple: A Bible Study on the Sermon on the Mount. I have hosted many women’s Bible study groups at my local church and in my home over they years and I truly love studying the Bible with friends. Knowing how God’s Word has impacted my life and helped me embrace Christ-centered wellness led me to want to show others how to experience transformation through the Word of God.

I do sincerely hope we can be friends.